take notes

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take notes

更新时间:2024-05-14 01:34:13

take notes基本解释

动词记录; 作笔记; 摘记


  • 网络解释

1. 记笔记:在网上试着经常记笔记(take notes)是一个好的开端,把对手各种情况下的反应都记下来,并且分清对手是那类牌手. 主要区分是tight/loose,strong tough/weak,aggressive/passive等. 有人感觉记笔记可能浪费时间分心,但是长期坚持应该是有回报的.

2. 记:同时将这些 词句摘录在笔记簿,并模拟造句,如此帮助记忆的功效很大,将来随时随地都会 从大脑记忆库中跳出来,脱口而出,让你活用,连你自己都会大吃一惊. 做笔记( take notes ) 是一门大学问,一般人都忽略了它的重要性及好处.

3. take notes的意思

3. 做笔记,做记录:13. laugh at sb. 笑话;取笑(某人) | 14. take notes 做笔记,做记录 | 15. enjoy doing sth . 喜欢做...乐意做...

4. 作笔记:double the work 事倍功半 | take notes 作笔记 | near the time 时间紧迫

  • 临近词
I take notes every day.(每天做笔记。)
No one could take notes as fast as "King Tut?" Talked, especially when he became excited.(谁记笔记的速度都赶不上“啧啧王”说话的速度快,特别是他激动起来的时候。)
So you can just watch, take notes, but you don't have to copy every last detail down.(这样你们就能观看,记笔记,但你们不用讲每一个细节都记下。)
I even show how to make one, so take notes, and head to the hardware store.(我甚至展示了怎么制作一台时间机器,所以记好笔记,去五金店。)
All we have to do is do two observations and take notes on them, right?(我们所要做的就是做两次观察并对其做笔记,对吧?)
After the interview take notes about what you were asked and how you answered.(面试之后,记录下你被问到的问题和你所做的回答。)
Printout, photocopy, and take notes of relevant information.(打印、影印出来、对相关的信息做笔记。)
Take notes after an incident.(出事情以后纪录笔记。)
Also, have a pen and paper handy to take notes.(同时,不要忘记准备好笔和纸随时记下有用信息。)
Just tune your ears this way and take notes.(你只要把耳朵转过来,做一下笔记就行了。)
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